
Friday Jun 12, 2020
34. Bert (NYC)
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
We’re in NYC talking to food tour guide Bert James. Our first conversation in May centred on what pandemic restrictions might mean for a city that’s famously nocturnal. Given the recent BLM protests, we caught up again this week for an update. We talk about the importance of nightlife, social media real estate and the joy found in eavesdropping on a first date.
Conversations from May 7th and June 9th 2020.
Bert James' website and YouTube channel.
The Food Tour company Bert works with.
The Black Lives Matter Movement.
'What Black America Means to Europe' by Gary Younge for The Guardian.
Afropean by Jony Pitts.
Music by Mark Schilders. Design by Chris Whyte, and Chris' non-profit charity project 'The Chariso Press'.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Or send us an e-mail.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
33. Jorge (Madrid)
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Hola from the Spanish capital! We're talking to Jorge Román, a guide with 23 years of experience who just started a blog to stay sane. We don't shy away from the big topics today. We're talking loyalty, unions and Scarlett O'Hara.
Conversation from May 6th 2020.
Facebook Group 'Real Talk'
Music by Mark Schilders. Design by Chris Whyte, and Chris' non-profit charity project 'The Chariso Press'.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Or send us an e-mail.

Monday Jun 08, 2020
32. Anna (Jerusalem)
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
If you thought her city was just one square kilometer of old walls, Anna Kreynin has news for you. Today's tour guide talks about strategic employment situations, how social distancing killed the fun before corona times, and why Israel's best Kanafeh isn't for her.
Conversation from May 13th 2020.
Kanafeh is a Middle Eastern dessert.
Ashkelon was the oldest and largest seaport in ancient Canaan.
Anna's travel blog on Facebook and Instagram.
Music by Mark Schilders. Design by Chris Whyte, and Chris' non-profit charity project 'The Chariso Press'.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Or send us an e-mail.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Black Lives Matter
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
A brief update. We're back on Monday.
Afropean by Johny Pitts.
1619, a podcast by the New York Times.
Antiracism Resources, a google doc.

Friday May 22, 2020
31. Alazne
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Today's guide cut her teeth in her native Basque country before moving to Berlin, where she has worked for the last fifteen years. We talk Greek fantasies, 'The Foreign Perspective' and travel as an antidote to stereotypes.
Conversation from April 29th 2020.
Need help with your unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), contact the Hartzer Roller. Or leave the man a donation.
Here's a list of English speaking therapists in Berlin.
Music by Mark Schilders.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Or send us an e-mail.

Thursday May 21, 2020
30. Lizzy
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Today's guest tells us why Germans don't have a Plan B, how applause can be a kick-starter for sound mental health, and how we're currently filling our time rather than living it.
Conversation from April 30th 2020.
Here's a list of English speaking therapists in Berlin.
Need help with your unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), contact the Hartzer Roller. Or leave the man a donation.
Music by Mark Schilders.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Or send us an e-mail.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
29. Pip
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Today's guide is not a guide at all! At least not any more. We talk to our "chronically lazy" friend about the lack of suitable synonyms for 'weird', the benefits of living with someone who is not an arsehole and why she'd quite happily slide into poverty before going through the rigmarole of bureaucracy.
Conversation from April 10th 2020
Sistrionics Podcast / FB / Twitter
Need help with your unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), contact the Hartzer Roller. Or leave the man a donation.
Music by Mark Schilders.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Send us an e-mail.

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Monday May 18, 2020
27. Rodrigo
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Today's guide was going to take it easy this year, settle into Berlin and have a stable job. Little did he know that taking it easy was all there was to have...Also; jogging pants, dulce the leche and bats!
Conversation from April 28th 2020
Need help with your unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), contact the Hartzer Roller. Or leave the man a donation.
Music by Mark Schilders.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Send us an e-mail.

Friday May 15, 2020
26. Stéphanie
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Today's guide is conflicted about her staying in Berlin, she doesn't like tourists on her doorstep, and is one of the few guides that doesn't know what a low season is.
Conversation from April 17th 2020
ViveBerlin Tours, a Guide Cooperative.
Need help with your unemployment benefits (Hartz IV), contact the Hartzer Roller. Or leave the man a donation.
Music by Mark Schilders.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Send us an e-mail.